Untuk tutorial lengkapnya, silahkan jalan2 ke RETAIL SNOW LEOPARD ON MY i5 760 + P55-UD3P
some stuff that I used :
- DVD Snow Leopard 10.6.3 Retail
- Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (in this case I am using installer from USB, make it faster)
- Bootable CD iBoot (I am using iBoot Supported)
- DSDT for GA P55-UD3P downloaded from TonyMacX86 Blog
- MultiBeast, downloaded from TonyMacX86 Blog
- Snow Leopard 10.6.4 Update Combo
- Paragon NTFS v8, googling
- Apple Any USB, googling
- LA Menthol
- Coffee
Here we go, installation session (I suggest you to install Windows 7 first, that help me to solve booting problem) :
1. Put your Bootable CD iBoot on your DVD drive and boot from it
2. Ketika dah sampai di menu Chameleon, keluarkan CD iBoot dan masukkan DVD SL Retail kemudian tekan F5
3. Choose OSX86 installer from your DVD SL Retail, than type -v -x than press Enter
4. Just wait for a moment until you get to OSX86 installation menu
5. Go to utilities, choose Disk Utilities
6. create partition for OSX86 and Windows 7 using GUID Partition tipe, for Windows 7 just choose Fat32 for the partition type
7. apply it, than restart your computer,
8. Install Windows 7, I think you know what should you do for it
9. After installing Windows 7, ulangi langkah 1-4
10. Install OSX86, you just have to follow the instruction there, very simple
11. When installation finish, reboot your computer, masukkan kembali iBoot CD dan boot from it
12. Choose your Mac OS, type -v -f and press enter
13. Here we come, Mac OS X has installed on your system, just fill some registration there until you got your first Mac OS X desktop
15. Put your DSDT on desktop
16. Jalankan Snow Leopard 10.6.4 Update Combo, tunggu sampai selesai, when the installler ask you to reboot, ignore it
17. Jalankan MultiBeast, if installer close, don't be worry, just reopen it, maybe 2-3 times you must try to reopen it, LOL
18. Di menu pilihan, centang lah yg anda perlukan, sekedar saran, baca keterangannya
19. Ini contoh beberapa yg saya centang pada saat installasi :
- UserDSDT
- System Utilities
Pada menu Advanced Option-Kexts saya pilih :
- Audio : LegacyHDA-ALC888 - AppleHDA 10.6.2 Rollback
- Disk : JMicron36xeSATA - JMicron36xSATA
- Network : Realtek Gigabyte Ethernet RTL8169 Ethernet
- Non-DSDT System pake : fakesmc - EvOreboot - LegacyAppleRTC - NullCPUPowerManagement
- Miscellaneous : IOUSBFamily 10.6.2 Rollback
- smbios.plist : Mac Pro - Core i5
- Themes : tonymacx86 Theme
- OSx86 Software : Kext Helper b7 - Kext Utility - MSR Tools - ShowAllFiles
(when you install MultiBeast, the iBoot CD must be mounted on your ROM)
20. After finishing MultiBeast installation, reboot your computer
Some result here :
21. Setelah installasi OSX86 dan MultiBeast selesai, saya masih menjumpai masalah, salah satunya adalah masalah write/read NTFS, so untuk menyelesaikannya saya menggunakan Paragon NTFS, dan untuk memastikannya saya cek di Disk Utilities, dan hasilnya :
format partisinya telah terbaca sebagai NTFS
22. Kemudian, biar keyboard dan mouse saya terbaca sebagai key+Mouse Apple, maka saya menggunakan kext AnyAppleUSB, untuk jelasnya silahkan membaca tutorialnya dihttp://mac-inul.com :
23. Reboot your computer
24. Update your Chameleon BootLoader with Chameleon 2.0 RC5 r516, download HERE. Reboot your computer!!!
25. Last, untuk installasi ini dibutuhkan kesabaran, ketekunan, ketelitian, waktu yg banyak (coz saya tidak bisa menghitung udah berapa kali install ulang, bayangin, 2 minggu cuy, on terus
finally this my first OSX86 desktop :
All tutorial I got from TonyMacX86 Blog and some trouble solved by asking another Mac OS X user.
Masih banyak yang kurang nih, temen-temen tolong kasih masukan mana aja yg kudu dibenahin.
- Posted by Eko Praja HW on Forum CHIP Indonesia -
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